What if being sober sucks?

I’ve been thinking about it a lot more lately. I actually have dreams about drugs now that I haven’t had in a long time. And I feel so fortunate that I’ve created a habit for myself of being able to put that thinking where it belongs.

I remember when I was considering sobriety, and I carefully crafted my opinion of Alcoholics Anonymous. Who does that, when instead, we all have the opportunity to do the same things, over and over again, and just expect different results? That’s the key to successful alcohol moderation. Take some compulsiveness, stir in some chaotic mind syndrome, sprinkle on some childhood trauma, and finish it off with a heaping dose of insanity. Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all. Through our integrated treatment programs, we’ve helped thousands of people choose recovery over addiction and get back to life on their own terms.

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I am the third of four sons, each about two years apart. We grew up in a small town in Eastern Massachusetts where, on our mile-long street, we only had a few neighbors. I always wanted to hang out with my two older brothers, https://ecosoberhouse.com/what-are-sober-living-houses/ as there were few kids my own age in the area. I remember at one of these forts, at the age of ten, finally feeling like I belonged because someone gave me a cigarette to smoke, or more accurately, choke on.

sobriety sucks

Nobody told me this side effect of long-term sobriety. Now that I don’t drink, I’ve been stripped of my alcohol-induced intelligence and infallibility. That’s why I talked so loud and repeated myself so often. I had a lot to say, and I was proud to bestow on everyone within earshot my slobbery wit and careless observations. They talk about the health benefits of moderate drinking like poise, attraction, decision making and better-smelling breath. So maybe a lot of people don’t say it and maybe I’m the only one who feels it, but sometimes sobriety sucks.

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Eventually, the stable people in our lives move on and are replaced by people just as dysfunctional as us. Jack and
Meredith watch the republican propaganda film My Son Hunter. They
resist the urge to tear the film to shreds and try to focus on the
recovery aspects.

  • During residency, we had the first of four children.
  • Now that I don’t drink, I’ve been stripped of my alcohol-induced intelligence and infallibility.
  • That’s why I talked so loud and repeated myself so often.

Sobriety will get better when you are actually open to LEARNING from other people how to be a happy, stable individual. Because the thing is, we don’t actually know. Now, not every program or therapy approach will work for you. But you don’t know until you try, and you have to genuinely try. Those were the days I’d make it to the gym and think that things would turn out okay after all. I’m a stubborn, recovering know-it-all, which means I don’t like asking for help.

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I did not need to study very hard for tests to ace them. By my junior year, I was taking all honors classes and easily passing them, putting me near the top of my class. I had one influential mentor, my physiology teacher, who encouraged me to pursue an education in the sciences, perhaps medicine. My friends were all band members who partied like me. I never had any run-ins with the administration or faculty and did not think that I had any kind of problem. Off to college I went, at a major university in Washington, DC, with plans to study chemistry with a minor in psychology in a pre-med curriculum.

  • And it’s not the first time I’ve said something negative about him.
  • I told them that I sometimes would drink quite a lot on weekends, but that it was something I could control.
  • Jack and
    Meredith watch the republican propaganda film My Son Hunter.
  • And when we self-medicate with alcohol, we enter into a vicious cycle of drinking to avoid our problems and then causing new ones because, well, we drink.

Don feels that he relapsed because his spirituality was missing. Don initially rejected the concept of a higher power. Like many others before him, though, he stumbled upon a healing force that’s both intangible and unexplainable. Eventually, Kate decided to take action and she committed to rehab.

Why do people, who have been sober for years, behave inappropriately with alarming regularity? Recently, I was asked this question in group therapy (the exact words have been edited as they were not fit to print). The person who posed the question felt she had been misled. She believed that, even after decades of recovery, some people were “still messed up and acting out their issues.” I have since learned I am not alone in experiencing this phenomenon. These unanticipated obstacles to wellbeing have the capacity to derail an otherwise smooth sailing recovery.

You need a contingency plan in place to strengthen your resolve if life in recovery ever gets tough. There’s little more challenging than fighting cravings for drugs or alcohol while you’re being sober sucks clinging to sobriety. I couldn’t sleep without passing out into unconsciousness — which was now happening early in the evening — only to awaken in the same state of withdrawal again.

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We gotta find new avenues to channel our energy and work out our stuff. Every day, I felt sad, unmotivated, lost, and unworthy. Building resilience and training the voice inside your head to be less negative is a lifelong process. Hell, it takes time to get just sort of okay at it. She is a phenomenal talent and voice in the recovery world. So many people have attributed their sobriety to her work after failing to succeed with more traditional approaches.

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